Кампания по выборам президента США помимо всякоразных официальных скандалов типа "заявлений ФБР" запомнилась еще и огромным количеством фейковых новостей, которые разносились со скоростью света среди избирателей -
The scourge of the U.S. election: Fake news, exploding on social media, is seeping into the mainstream The item was part of a burgeoning phenomenon in U.S. politics: partly or mostly made-up “news” items casting one presidential candidate or the other in a negative light, and - thanks to the immense power of Facebook and other social media - seen by millions of Americans.
“It’s really disconcerting the scale that misinformation can achieve relatively quickly and with relatively little effort,” says Craig Silverman, Canadian chief of the Buzzfeed website. “It’s driving divisions between people … It has made it very difficult for the public square to have some reasonable debate.”
Silverman spearheaded a study recently of “hyper-partisan” Facebook pages, finding that during a two-week period, 38 per cent of news material on three right-wing pages and 19 per cent on left-leaning ones were partly or mostly false.
Ничего нового - вбросы под соусом "новостей" воспринимаются публикой на ура, а их аутентичность никого не волнует.