Мясники сказали "нет".

Oct 26, 2015 21:00

Не успела Международная организация здравоохранения сделать заявление о "вреде мяса и изделий из него", как свое заявление сделали представители крупнейших мясопромышленных предприятий США. Общий тон заявлений "американских мясников" - не надо лохматить бабушку и наводить панику на граждан - "Meat industry slams cancer report: 'Alarmist' and 'theoretical'"

Meat industry slams cancer report: 'Alarmist' and 'theoretical'

The meat industry is slamming a WHO report that classifies processed meat as cancer-causing.

The North American Meat Institute called the conclusion "dramatic and alarmist overreach."

The North American Meat Institute said that the cancer condemnation "defies both common sense and numerous studies showing no correlation between meat and cancer."

The National Cattleman's Beef Association released a statement quoting various scientists who picked apart the WHO findings. The association said that cancer is too complex to be blamed on any one cause, like meat.

Hormel (HRL), one of the leading meat processors in the industry, said the report ignored the health benefits of meat, noting that the "very important nutrients in meat far outweigh any theoretical hazard."

Как так? Жить без копченой колбасы и котлеток? Не, я так не играю :)

Здоровье, Финансы, Общество, Безопасность, Болезни, Хроники

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