Камень на шее.

May 31, 2015 12:55

Время от времени я возвращаюсь к теме китайских инвестиций за рубежем и недавно канадцы выложили статью про сотрудничество свой страны с китайскими инвесторами. Статья называется "Fortune Lost: The short, brutal and costly ride of China Investment Corp. in Canada" и в ней долго и нудно перечисляются все те потери, которые понесла китайская сторона от инвестиций в энергетический сектор Канады. Но, помимо всего прочего, есть и пара интересных моментов, про которые хотелось бы упомянуть

At the same time, CIC did not get involved in the biggest and least volatile companies in the oilsands, such as Suncor Energy Inc. and Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Of course, those firms didn’t need CIC’s money back in 2010, and perhaps they did not want the challenges associated with having a strategic Chinese investor.

“(CIC) doesn’t play in the market much. They want to have a direct connection to the company, and it takes two to tango,” said Joyce Lee, a partner at McCarthy Tetrault LLP who has worked on many deals between Chinese and Canadian companies.

To some degree, the poor performance was also partly self-inflicted by Chinese government policy. The country’s priorities changed under President Xi Jinping, who has favoured slower growth, more domestic consumption, and a reduced dependence on non-renewable resources. That change has contributed to globally weaker commodity prices, particularly oil.

But Zahary, the former Sunshine Oil Sands CEO, said Canada bears some responsibility as well. He believes China’s poor performance reflects badly on the country’s investment market and other global investors are taking note.

The Chinese deployed their cash in Canada based on assumptions that this is a country that welcomes foreign investment and offers political and fiscal stability, added Zahary, who is now the president and CEO of Altex Energy Ltd.

In reality, what they found were unusually high costs, inefficient government decision-making, fierce activist opposition to new energy infrastructure, and a general ambivalence towards Chinese capital.

“The world is a big place and these are big (Chinese) companies and they can go to other locations,” Zahary said. “They haven’t given up on these assets, and they hope to reclaim their investment and make a good rate of return, but for the time being, they are not pounding lots of money into this until we get our act together.”

Получилось-то, в общем, все как обычно - самые смелые планы были порушены "человеческим фактором".

Китай, Финансы, Сотрудничество, События, Канада, Экономика

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