В Штатах выросли продажи оружия.

Jul 25, 2012 18:04

Американские СМИ сообщают о росте продаж оружия на фоне инцидента в Колорадо.

Background checks for gun purchases spiked 41 percent in Colorado after 12 people were killed inside a suburban Denver movie theater, according to state data. In the four days after the July 20 shooting, dealers submitted 3,647 requests for state background checks required to buy a firearm, said Susan Medina, a spokeswoman for the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. That’s 41 percent more than the 2,583 requests during the same four days the prior week and a 38 percent increase over the 2,636 checks during the first Friday to Monday in July.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation declined to release data on background checks nationally since the Colorado shooting, said Stephen Fischer, a spokesman. State data and interviews elsewhere suggested increased sales.

Граждане делятся своими соображениями на сей счет

Personally, I think sales are up because more Americans realize the  police (any law enforcement group) can't protect them when needed.  High-level private & government officials, like hypocritical Michael  Bloomberg, have armed body guards. Simple folks like me do not. In  America, I have a right to equal protection, but can't afford a  bodyguard. Therefore I am my body guard.. The failure of the police to  act in a preemptive manner is no fault of the police, because they are  primarily crime scene investigators. Furthermore, they cannot be sued  for failure to protect the people except in cases of gross negligence.  In the seconds and minutes it takes for the police to respond to a 911  call thousands of citizens are hurt and killed. Who has your back? The  answer for clear-thinking Americans is practically no one. Americans  know and figure that it is better to be proactive and prepared to die  than injured or killed cowering behind someone or something.

В свете последних инициатив наших законодателей необходимо, думаю, пристальнее изучить способы роста продаж (в статьях есть ссылки на обзор подобного "феномена").


Colorado Gun Sales Surge After the Aurora Massacre
Gun Sales Spike After 12 Killed in Colorado Movie Theater
Counter Terror Expo 2013 coming soon
London theatres to boost security

Общество, США, Экономика

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