Alright, so I'm workin' on this paper and I just need to take a break and let my mind kinda work on it subconsciously for a minute or two... which promptly turned into several hours. Well, damn.
Over Easter break I downloaded a bunch of really great songs including the Yes Man soundtrack. I knew from the movie that it was a good soundtrack, but what I always seem to learn from listening to the soundtrack is just how FABULOUS the soundtrack is. Munchausen by Proxy is an amazing band and I love the entire album.
I also made a point to get some older CDs by the bands that I have been fans of since my childhood. This includes The Cranberries, Joni Mitchell, and Janis Joplin (I was a strange child, I know). These older albums have been a lot of fun. But so far, the Yes Man soundtrack is my favorite. It makes an amazing playlist when mixed with Amanda Palmer's (recently of the Dresden Dolls) album Who Killed Amanda Palmer? and Royksopp's Junior. Oh, and also the soundtrack from Titan A.E. It's really been perfect for the paper writing I've been doing so much of recently.
Also, I have to remember to call different places about renting a hydrogen tank. Someone should remind me to do that... 'cause it has to be done by tomorrow.
Speaking of which, none of you guys are in the Pittsburgh area, which is depressing. If you were local (to me, of course) I'd bully all of you to coming to the ARTZ XPLOSION on April 23rd. It's a fund raiser that I'm helping to set up--as the secretary of Major Movements Asssociation ( the World Food Program. We are having several kinds of performers make appearances as well as artists come to show/sell their works and all kinds of other activities. It should be..... well.... Right now, I'm just hoping it comes off at all. I'm not so sure it will, really, through no fault of MMA. The student organization we've teamed up with has basically SCREWED US OVER BIG-TIME and are now considered untrustworthy assholes by the rest of our organization.
This weekend's gonna be busy as hell, and I just hope that it feels like it was worth it by the time the 24th rolls around. I'm definitely worried that it won't be, but, shit happens and we'll be able to do a lot more next semester.
Alright, time to finish putting the polishing touches on my paper. Later, peeps.