did I miss something? o.O

Mar 31, 2010 22:03

you knitting Who-Fans are breaking me. Now our mod in the D/M comm is starting her entries with "I need something to do while knitting" too. D: I feel like a bad Who-Fangirl now, cause I still haven't picked up that particular past-time.

and speaking about fandom!hobby stuff:

I'm still on my spiritual trip to re-connect with which ever small drawing skills I might once have owned, currently exercising with the "draw a bunch of characters to regain a feel for the pencils", and guess who doesn't lent himself to my style well at all due to his facial features being too soft and round for my square style and almost not having any eyebrows or chin to speak of?

This would all be no problem, since my usual approach with faces is "get the nose right and everything else will fall into place eventually" *hears other artist people face-palm*. Plan fell through when I noticed how his nose manages to look different in every shot. Errr, wtf? Then I went "screw this, I'm doing this from memory", which didn't help either. gah.

yeah, I sort of got a very similar expression right now too.

I do love him but sometimes I wish he would look less like a potato.

art, fandom is, i suck, fanart

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