Aug 18, 2007 14:38
It started with the ground shaking. I was in an apartment building, but not this one. There were rivers in the hallways, possibly ornamental. The decor was lots of rich oranges and reds and deep yellows. The building kept shaking. I ran to a balcony, but not mine. I looked out for the source of the trembling, thinking first earthquake, then air attack, and then the end of the world. These were all wrong.
There were giants. Actual giants. Walking up and down a street, and the city shook in their wake. They were attired as you would expect giants to be: rough strips of cloth, fur gauntlets, wooden cudgels held aloft, antlered helms, pale greyish skin topped by a mane of dirty white hair. They did not appear to have a purpose, merely stalked the streets aimlessly.
I hurried to the underground portion of my apartment building, where apparently the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lived. They seemed rather blasé about the whole situation. Images became jumbled as the shaking increased. Whatever my reason for coming down here, it seemed fulfilled and I headed back upstairs. Not, however, before finding a sandwich bag of small carrot sticks, which I duly returned to Raphael, who seemed quite pleased with me.
Worried about my camera battery, and about the rivers in the hallways, I carefully made my way back to my room to make sure it was charged and ready to take pictures. On the way there, the giants had changed in nature, and now resembled ordinary citizens of gigantic proportions. Everyone seemed to be struck by the same thought: "Our world will never be the same again."
Securing my camera, I began to snap pictures. The giants, in return, began to diversify. Giant polar bears stampeded down the street while giant beavers frolicked in the rivers and lakes. A guy I knew in high school called to ask if I was seeing it too. I responded in the affirmative, then hung up on him and called my parents to make sure they were ok. They were, and were hiding in the basement watching the whole thing on TV. I didn't blame them.
I ran to meet my strange friends in another apartment in the building, and the nature of the giants changed again. Now, the city was being pummelled by giant subway cars coursing down the streets, but slow enough so that we could all see inside. Giants rode in the subway cars, but once again giants that resembled ordinary people.
A subway car bulleted past my building, and I recognized two people inside. Everything suddenly made sense: I understood why the giants were there, what it all meant, and who was behind it all.
And then I woke up with no memory of the conclusions I had come to.