Yay for people visiting me

Apr 10, 2006 12:54

Y'know every now and then good things happen. Like this past week. My cousin was going to go to Japan for about three weeks, and he was nice enough to make a six day pitstop in Korea. It was really a lot of fun, and good for me. Sometimes being out in the country, lazy, and somewhat anti-social I go quite some time without any really social interaction with people, unless you count talking to them in school....which I don't. However, I was good and talked to people and did things for a few days. It was nice.

So, the first couple of days were kind of low key. I went to work James (my cousin) went and saw a few places on his own. Night time was good quality going out for dinner and then hanging out and either playing video game or watching anime. It's really quite nice to actually watch my nerdly habit with somebody. Mainly we watched Bleach, Black Cat, and Rec (all of which I'd recommend to varying degrees). He also got really into Guitar Hero. It made me wish I had a second controller in Korea, but figuring out how to fit one in my luggage was tricky enough. We also played soccer with the teacher's and some students from my school on Friday. We were definitely schooled, but it was fun.

The weekend was ridiculous, and except for the mistake of not coming home Saturday night and the moderate cat destruction that resulted it was great. Saturday James and I started our day by going and seeing Gyeongbokgung Palace. It was quite impressive. From the people in traditional dress, to the buildings, the carvings, and the gardens. Granted the Cherry Trees won't be in bloom, but with the rest of the gardens holding their own it would be a great place to visit in June I think. Walking around it also made me really want to go back and time and live in a palace like that. So much cooler than a Midevil Castle. I know it's somewhat odd to hear me say that, but really it was awesome. Also coming out of the place James and I got cornered by a portion of a college English class, and got to have fun answering survey questions and talking with cute girls. Plus we were amused by the fact that the group of them wanted their picture taken with us, despite the odd fact that there must have been atleast half a dozen other foreigners in the area at the time.

From there we went to the wonderful Electronics Market in Yongsan. Ah nine floors of temptation. Well...more than that because there are always the bootleggers out front too. Nothing like a $2 to $5 movie. I bought four bootlegs on this day to help flesh out my Studio Ghibli Collection: The Cat Returns, Howl's Moving Castle, Castle in the Sky, and My Neighbor Totoro. I also, after much price checking, and some mixed language (broken in both) bartering purchased a PSP, and the Japanese fighter based on Bleach. Both have helped me stay amused and happy. The key to the purchase was the region freeness of PSP games, and the 1 gig memory stick that I talked the lady into throwing in. I saved about $85 over all.

After that we hopped back on the train and headed to Yeouido. Which, while short, was eventful. A little girl came up and said hello to us. This prompted her older brother (the girl maybe 7 the boy maybe 10) to slap his hand over her mouth and put her in a headlock. Eventually both talked to us, and we got the brother to unhand his sister. It was amusing and cute. Also during this train ride. Two random girls on the opposite platform waved and James and I really happily, and appeared to giggle a lot when we waved back.

Finally we reached Yeouido met my friend Elizabeth and a Korean friend of hers. Her Korean friend had also brought along two of his friends so the six of us walked out and saw us some cherry blossoms. They were pretty and white and pink. It made me happy. We also saw a church about the size of the Metrodome (I was told it seated 30,000), which had a Giant, and I mean Giant bright light up cross. It amused me greatly. Not as much as the shady 4th floor sign that proclaimed “Erotic Art Museum Inside!”, but amusing none the less. Then we all went out to eat, and had something that was delicious, but I can't pronounce, and then to some light drinking. After this James and I took a train back to Elizabeth's house and had a sleep over. The sleep over was terribly amusing as well, and many stories were told. As I have a tendency to do I pro'ly told the most...ok by far I told the most, but I like stories.

Sunday was walking around Suwon and talking some more, and then home. Like I said there was some mild destruction but it was ok. All in all it was a fantastic weekend. I think I need to travel more places, do things with people, and have sleep overs more often. This will be down especially after Kisa loses her claws.
May 5th through May 7th Busan here I come!
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