Aug 22, 2006 18:50
Either you've seen me irl or you've seen pics and have an idea of my skin's color tones. I'm working on a combination birthday/anniversary gift for Ronnie and I require assistance for part of it. Which color do I or would I look best in of the choices below?
Poll }:3
In other news, I hate Denton and it's fucktard drivers. I hate my pretty, spacious apartment because it's horrible design (giant windows) means that the temp gets up into th 80s in here even with fans and a/c running. I hate this assbackwards and infernally complicated school that makes UTT's admin look like a sector of heaven. I hate it and I want my Ronnie and my mom and I want to go home. I want to leave so very very badly that it hurts.
I'm getting a peppermint stick and going to bed.