[Cheria awoke in an incredibly good mood today. A good mood like she's never had before. It's like something inside her is telling her that everything is going to be all right. That she'll have a happy ending of sorts
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[Action]ledbythewindSeptember 30 2011, 00:11:39 UTC
[Cheria isn't the only one in the house wearing a dress today. Richard is also wearing a long green gown, and by the time Cheria returns from her walk, she's likely to find him already doing some of the chores while singing softly about his prince coming.]
[Action] RIVAL PRINCESS appeared!asterism_angelSeptember 30 2011, 15:52:50 UTC
[Cheria is certainly surprised at Richard's appearance. The fact that he's cleaning with such positive energy is nothing compared to how well the dress suits him. She watches him for about ten seconds, before approaching.]
Good afternoon, [King? Prince? ... Princess?] Richard.
It's hard to be cooped up inside with weather like this, wouldn't you agree? That's why I'm trying to get my chores done as quickly as possible so I can go out and enjoy it for myself.
[Richard matches that smile with one of his own and shakes his head.]
No, I couldn't ask you to do that. These chores are my responsibility, and it wouldn't be right to pass them off onto someone else, even if they offer.
[That's why Cheria intends to do the laundry even better than Richard will mop the floor. Then she'll wait for Asbel to return, with a nice plate of hot food all ready for him to eat. It's the Princess's job to cater to her Prince's needs, and if there's a rival? Well, then she'll just have to try even harder.]
Good afternoon, [King? Prince? ... Princess?] Richard.
Miss Cheria. Were you out enjoying the lovely weather?
Here, why don't you let me take care of those chores? Then you can go outside and enjoy the day while it still lasts.
No, I couldn't ask you to do that. These chores are my responsibility, and it wouldn't be right to pass them off onto someone else, even if they offer.
[He'd better be pleased. And maybe then he'll finally realize just how wonderful and useful Richard is!]
[That's why Cheria intends to do the laundry even better than Richard will mop the floor. Then she'll wait for Asbel to return, with a nice plate of hot food all ready for him to eat. It's the Princess's job to cater to her Prince's needs, and if there's a rival? Well, then she'll just have to try even harder.]
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