hmmmmm. did you not feel alive last night? I thought last night was rather groovy. But maybe I am wrong.
It happens.
Man. Negativity.....tsk tsk.
Incidentally, there is a Drew. Otherwise I fabricated someone to fall madly in love with. And that reminds me. I wrote something last night. After I got off the phone with you and I couldn't sleep and so I had cheese ravioli at 1 am and then danced around my room until I could barely breathe.
In any case, I feel like leaving one of the longest comments in the world ever, so I'm shoving this thing I wrote at you. I only like the content, not the arrangement so it's not going in any particular order.
Um...I adore you. Live better. Not better. Live your best.
All vernacular stops, and a new language is created; Born of tongues braided from separate mouths. No dialects No sign language is comprehensible any longer. All voices - BUT HIS - are reduced
( ... )
PS - Really, you probably didn't care for me to leave such a heinously useless message, particularly one with really poor writing in it, which I didn't even bother to space out, so my apologies for that.............actually no. I'm not especially sorry. Because really I posted the comment and there's nothing you can do about it. But if you don't want really lame comments on your journal, well......hmmmmm. That's too bad. What a shame.
..........Realizing that maybe my comments aren't necessarily appropriate in regards to your entry. But your entry included thoughts on Volvos, and hey, Volvos are just funny. I might have enough money for the MG Midget. Does that not rule your face? I thought it sounded exciting. I'm mixing a tape. I love tapes. I'm going to send one to Jessica whenever I finish it and/or get my double tape deck to start working. Actually I'm going to send it to you and count on you to give it to her. Because larabeast likes to save money on postage. Man, I have so much crap to send to you guys. Portland is thirty minutes from my house. Alexi is the skinniest person I know. Elvis is on the radio. Did you know I love you? I do. I wish I lived closer. I wish my parents would let Ria take me down to see you like she wants to. Hah. She also wants to take me to Sri Lanka. It sounds pretty. We're going to Morocco incidentally. Me and you, not me and Ria. Casablanca. I watched that on the way to Kentucky. Kentucky where I was when
( ... )
I'm sending you an Aurora and a Borealis. By the way. I thought maybe you'd like them. I'm going to be one of the people in charge of the Borealis this year. In case you forgot, that's the CD that the OHS literary magazine puts out every year. It's cool beans. I'll get to boss people around and shoot them when they misbehave. And I get to listen to lots of talented people audition. And design the cd cover. Actually, I'm sure that all these people who will be on the committee with me will have a lot more to do with it than I will. But I think it sounds like fun. You know what? I miss you. Caitlin does too. Go visit her. She's your cousin. You should. You never-been-to-Michigan-der.
Comments 58
It happens.
Man. Negativity.....tsk tsk.
Incidentally, there is a Drew. Otherwise I fabricated someone to fall madly in love with. And that reminds me. I wrote something last night. After I got off the phone with you and I couldn't sleep and so I had cheese ravioli at 1 am and then danced around my room until I could barely breathe.
In any case, I feel like leaving one of the longest comments in the world ever, so I'm shoving this thing I wrote at you. I only like the content, not the arrangement so it's not going in any particular order.
Um...I adore you. Live better. Not better. Live your best.
All vernacular stops,
and a new language is created;
Born of tongues braided
from separate mouths.
No dialects
No sign language
is comprehensible
any longer.
All voices - BUT HIS - are reduced ( ... )
Hey Jude...........
....yo momma
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