Oct 30, 2008 09:46
Comment and I'll give you a letter.
Then you have to list ten things you LOVE that begin with that letter.
Afterward, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
rsangel gave me the letter V.
1. Veluptuous legs (as long as they are attached to my wife of course)
2. V for Vendetta (Guy Fawkes day reference = win)
3. Veins (I like blood circulation)
4. Viagra (Old guys need love too?)
5. Viscous Fluids (For example-The plague infested leper guys slime from Garan's Home Brew)
6. Violence against birds with good diction (Damn parrots raised by English Majors)
7. Volume (Turn it up to drown out talking birds)
8. Vorpal Bird Seed (Useful for getting rid of birds with good diction I.E. "SNEAK ATTACK")
9. Vultures (Useful for disposing of talky bird's corpse - cats work as a substitute....or so I hear)
10. Vehicular Homicide (Only if car has spinner rims though - like getting hit by a power saw going 80 miles an hour)