
Jul 22, 2010 22:32

I'm trying to buy a new saddle.

OMG. I know nothing about saddles. And there's too many to choose from, with a huge fluctutation in price. And the problem is I want a medieval looking one, and an all-purpose one so I can go to Grown-up Pony Club and I love riding in the crappy half-breed saddle I use now and would like one just like that only better. And 3 saddles is just out of the question. Really.

And do I buy it from shop A where the lady is nice and knows us and all our horse by name because we're in there so much? Or do I buy it from shop B who actually keeps saddles in stock and spent lots of time helping me try them out? Or do I follow our instructors reccomendation and try the store in Other-Semi-Rural-City because they had a really, really good price on last years model?

That's it. I feel stupid. And indecisive. I'm riding bareback from now on.

My poor, potentially perminantly chaffed arse-crack may never forgive me. But all skin grows calouses right? Eventually?


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