Oct 18, 2005 15:06
Unfortunitely today is laundry day, which means while the washer and dryer are running I have all this spare time to do nothing, so I figured why not type some stuff out.
Yea, I dont really have much to say, Other then the fact that I am leaving in ten days to go and see Patrick. I cant believe how fast it went from 39 days to 10. Its pretty fucking sweet actually. Well the cool thing about all of this is that I will be leaving in 9 days. So yea thats a week and two days for those of you who didn't know. And just incase it isn't totally odvious I couldn't be anymore excited.
Well anyways, I really want to go to the Cider mill today. When I woke up this morning I was thinking that if there is any day when I really should be at the cider Mill it is indeed today. So if anybody reads this and they are interested well then halla at me and perhaps we will go.
And yea...so I bought some new jeans yesterday from the shitties store in the whole intire world. Burlington, why is it shitty? Well because it is way to messy, even after they clean everything its all over in piles and no organization at all. Not saying that I need absolutely everything to be all in one nice order, but jesus, size 3's mixed in the the tens, and fives with the 15's? What a cluster fuck man.
Alright well I think I have bulshitted enough time on here. I think I will go get out of my pjs considering that it is three o clock in the afternoon.