Mar 02, 2005 21:34
Today was okay. it was my first day back from being gone on monday and tuesday. it felt werid going back to school...i hate it so much. mostly science and math, i have D's..of course. oh well. In spanish today Matt and I had to do a skit as if we were ordering food from a restaurant. it was awesome..we think of the crazyiest things together. I was sitting at the table by myself and he asks. "donde es nino amigo?" which is where is your boyfriend? and i go "mi hermano?" my brother? haha i guess you had to be there, is was a sick joke we did..anyways, Im working on this lame project for english..its about Marilyn Monroe. i have to have props and try to persuade the audience to read the book. i also have to dress up tomorrow to school cause of it. so be prepared to see me in my full length volcom madness! My dress up volcom clothes. It not like its anything new im wearing nothing but that, but its gonna be interesting. haha.
Friday is the Dying Takes Heart show. i cant wait. it will be loads of fun! EVERYONE SHOULD GO!!!