Jun 01, 2004 01:10
man oh man! The show tonight with alexisonfire, EMERY, hawthrone hights, and silvertein was off the hook! haha. my lovely ol' friend becca came with me. i bought her a ticket, and a shirt for her birthday, lol well she doesnt want me to get her anything else..but ya know i am. anyways, we were standing in line for a little bit, and i saw johnny and some other people that went to hamilton there. they we're really cool guys. ANYWAYS back to the show. lol it was awesome. Hawtrone hights played first, they were pretty good i guess. second was who? who? EMERY, yeah you got that right. they were sooo awesome. so awesome i dont know what else to say, only that they are great live and very entertaining. GET THEIR CD PEOPLE. lol. well then ALEXISONFIRE played, man i could say they were awesome too, but still didnt beat out emery in my books. they are great live too. and 44 caliber love letter was so cooooollll. love that song. so then a little in the middle of them, me and becca left. yeah i know i know i didnt stay the whole time but ya know thats okay. theres always other times ;) the whole time i was there i was looking for Tim, but he was nowhere to be found..grrrr, im gonna have a talk with him. lol. and well while we were waiting for my mom to pick us up, me and becca were sitting on the curb and saw a freakin GORGEOUS guy. wow! he was sooooooooo hottttttttt he looked much like my friend Crellin. but wow. my heart dropped when i saw this guy. hmm but ya know my lame ass didnt go talk to him. so i probably wont see him again, unless faith brings him back...and lets me see him at another show ;) hahahah. anyways its like 1:21 a.m. and im super tired, and i have school tomorrow! oh joy. but yeah have a goodnight :)