Artist/Song Title: The Goo Goo Dolls - Dizzy
Subject: BtVS, Spike, Willow/Spike, AU
Summary: ’I wanna feel you scream.‘ Spike has developed a crush on Willow, but she’s not biting (no pun intended)
Warning: Sexual violence, dark themes
720x400 - 38 MB AVI mediafire and
720x400 - 38 MB AVI Happy Almost Valentines Day,
So this started out a week ago with Xandra being bored and uninspired - always a dangerous mood -, which quickly escalated into her our first Remix-Challenge. Who am I to try to resist her anyway? 'Dizzy' was the first vid of hers that came to mind and yepp, it was fun - AUs tend to do that to me. *stares at unused Billiard and Torture scenes* While editing I kinda got why Xandra had the Xander subplot in her vid, because I found so many scenes that could be interpreted in an angsty threesome way and maybe I will do that vid some other day.