May 26, 2008 17:50
I've known Mischka so long that I don't remember when I first met him. He was just Mischka then, not master, not Ravensfuri. He wasn't yet into metalsmithing, he didn't have the kremlin and he was in an unhappy marriage. But Mischka was always sweet, willing to say hi, give a hug or flirt with.
Over the years, he got out of his marriage and met Kiri, mastered metal smithing to become my brother in the order of the Laurel. He gained the kremlin, that horrendous beast of a tent to set up, and gained a large following of friends. Some were rough and others of gentler miens. And Mischka gathered them all to him because he was a big friendly guy. In some ways his view was simplistic, not in an unrefined way but just in taking everyone in and having a big party.
I remember a few September Crowns ago when we arrived late. I was supposed to share a tent with a friend but she was nowhere to be seen and her tent not where she said it would be. Mischka and Kiri said I could stay in the kremlin. I crawled onto their bed with them and as i moved very close to hypothermia, Mischka would sleepily throw an arm over me or rub my back.
I have many memories of him, of partying together, of chatting over various hurdles we had to jump in our lives. Misch's life wasn't always a piece of cake but he had many caring friends and Kiri.
I'm so sad, Misch, that I didn't get to see you again and that you haven't had longer to enjoy your journey on earth. I'm selfishly angry that we all don't get more time with you. I'm sorry you and Kiri don't get to grow old together. You were always a sweet, gentle, teddy bear to me, a friend who always had a moment to say hi, to give a hug. I'll miss you terribly, I'll remember you always. This picture above is an apt one, an image of a passage tomb from ancient Ireland. From one side, we leave life to walk into the wonders of beyond. I send my light and love to help you on this new journey.
May the gods hold you gently.
master mischka