I siting here, kinda getting ready to go to the Fairview to hear some bands. And I'm drinking some Silver Sage port, called The Flame. Though I had it in a restaurant months back it was called port there though the bottle says its a sparkling apertif wine. A dilute golden colour with a pepper floating in it. It's light, effervescent and fiery as hell. I can take super hot foods and this is warming the cockles of my heart and belly. Which is good because it's damn cold in here. But it's making me sniffle.So if it's an apertif, do I now have to drink the whole bottle in the next few days? That could eat my guts.
And I'm listening to the Bastard Fairies. I love love love them. I heard one song at a friends and fell in love. The band is a US band, main singer is Yellow Thunder Woman, a beautiful, talented, sassy Sioux. The music is catchy, odd, sounds like an old phonograph or even grammaphone in tonal quality and just all round cool. And I'm doing what they request if you download--pass it on.
http://www.thebastardfairies.com/home.html This part might not work, but here goes.
Click to view
(Damn, this stuff is so hot my eyes are watering. Did I say is comes from Silver Sage Winery in Osoyoos BC? Wheehaw!)
Had Euro craziness today trying to get money. Yeesh. Long story, will be posted at colleen-anderson.blogspot.com And oh this is a fine way to celebrate an equinox. Gotta go now.