Jan 29, 2013 09:51
Visiting Mathoura was loads of fun. A three hour drive to get there, it's about half an hour across the border from Echuca, it was only me and Alistair in the end since Ellie was sick (still is). It's hard to believe that Amanda and Melissa are thirty now, and Mel's house is only a couple of odd jobs away from being finished, it's a great house, but I can't imagine wanting to live out there. Maybe Echuca itself, that's a really pretty town, and right on the Murray, but Mathoura is completely flat and it can get so hot during the summer, although I think they're fairly near to a creek that you can go swimming in which is pretty cool. We didn't get a chance to swim this weekend, everyone was a bit worse for wear and we had to have that three hour drive home again. It was really fun being around family as friends instead of y'know, relatives you only see at christmas, when you think about it, they're the only childhood friends I still have.
And the last two days have been meeting up with people for dinner, not as exciting, but still lovely!
Off to the physio on thursday to check on my foot, it is causing me much pain although I keep walking and working and training etc, so it's not really getting better. I also keep saying 'I've injured my foot' and then people ask 'what did you do?' and I'm sort of um-ing and ah-ing since I don't really know what I've done, it's just really painful.