Title: Spank Bank Part 1
Fandom: Avengers/Captain America/Thor
Pairing: Darcy/Steve
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: OK, so I stopped writing my Lokane fic about two months ago when my son broke up for the summer, having both my kids at home made writing impossible so now I'm just doing a few little Avengers drabbles/one-shots and also a few one-shots that sort of follow on from one another to get myself back in the writing groove. This first one is just a little piece that hints at Darcy/Steve and I've already started a second short piece that will follow it.
It was a common thing for Darcy to spend her days in Tony Stark’s lab now. It was her life. Insane right?
Thing was after the fall of Shield Tony Stark took in the Avengers at the tower. This led to Thor insisting that Jane should live with him in his room at the tower and Jane didn’t want to leave Darcy out. Of course the reality was that there were plenty of other science type people that were better at assisting Jane in the lab, basically her and Erik worked together and Darcy got reassigned.
Queue an offer from Pepper Potts.
For some reason within the first few weeks at Stark tower, Pepper Potts decided that she would make an excellent handler for Tony Stark. She wasn’t afraid of him, she called bullshit and she took all his quirks in her stride, also her degree in political science made her a good liaison between Pepper and Tony when it came to the business of Stark Industries. The shareholders of Stark Industries hadn’t been happy about Stark signing control over to his assistant, which meant that he had to still hold a position at the company. He was now the Head of Research and development, a title that was mainly a name, as he avoided as much work as he could but having his name somewhere important kept the investors happy.
The best thing was that Tony didn’t care how blunt and honest she was at work, he didn’t care if she swore and he didn’t care if she didn’t dress smart because he spent all his time in grubby t-shirt and jeans in his workshop anyway. It was a pretty sweet deal as far as jobs went.
Darcy clutched her aching sides, as she laughed at the story Tony told her, about an incident in a hotel in Boston after a publicity event. Their laughter trailed off as Steve entered the room.
"Hey Capsicle." Tony greeted. “Let me guess, serious business?”
“Hey Stevie boy, come to visit the fun people?” Darcy grinned, hopping down from the work bench she was perched on.
"What's all the laughing about?" He asked.
"Nothing your innocent ears want to hear." Tony replied, reaching up and patting his shoulder patronizingly.
"Pfft, innocent? There's is no way Captain America is a virgin!" she snorted.
"Thank you." Steve said surprisingly loudly.
"Um I'm sorry, have you not seen him try to talk to a girl he likes?" Tony countered, pointing at the blonde man.
"So? Sometimes I say stupid things or no things at all if I try to talk to someone I really like, does that make me a virgin?" she asked him, hands resting on her hips.
"Doubtful." Tony said, his eyes appraising her form.
"Precisely. Even dorks get laid." She said. Then she realized how that came out and looked at Steve apologetically. "I didn't mean you're a dork, I meant I'm a dork. See? I say stupid things too."
"If you had seen me before the serum, you'd definitely be calling me a dork Miss Lewis, don't worry about it." Steve grinned.
"So what is your evidence that Cap here has punched that V card?" Tony asked, leaning back against the worktop and crossing his arms over his chest thoughtfully.
"Hello, he was travelling Europe with a bunch of soldiers and show girls! I bet you those showgirls took great pleasure in teaching him a thing or two…of six." Darcy said. "I mean have you seen those biceps? If he didn’t get laid by at least one of them, then I really couldn't tell you whether I'm more disappointed in him or them."
"If biceps are the only important factor here..." Tony mused, flexing his arms.
"Yeah, you got guns Tony, not like Steve or Thor of course but you and Clint are still pretty cut." She laughed aloud. She picked up the paperwork she came in with and sighed with a smile on her face. "I'm surrounded by hotness, it’s like having a walking talking spank bank."
"If you want to throw on a low cut top and be in mine, I'll stop wearing a shirt at all." Tony offered with a smirk.
"Sorry Tony but Pepper is way more terrifying than the Hulk." Darcy replied patting his cheek. She moved closer to Steve and prodded at his arms. “Oh yeah…top of the spank bank.”
"What's a spank bank?" Steve asked, looking a little uncomfortable.
"I taught you how to use that Stark phone Steve, google it." Darcy grinned as she left the room.
Spank Bank part 2