
Jan 20, 2007 16:16

Hey everyone.
This is a little short notice, but for those of you whom want to come out for a party, instead of having everyone go to the bars we thought it'd be better to just throw it at Kurt's place. A few of us are pretty poor, myself included. So if any of you still want to come, show up around 8 or 9pm at 698 Adelaide St. North, Apartment 1 (the basement). Remember to bring your own booze and/or other stuff. haha. Incase you need help with directions and such, I'll be at my house until around 7pm: (519)- 453 - 2338, and after 7pmish call Kurt's place: (519) - 936 - 4808. And one of us are likely to be available on MSN the whole time as well, if you're not comfortable with using the phone. ^_^
Sorry for the abrupt change in plans, y'all!
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