Oct 30, 2005 09:15
On the side of Walking The Dog, we have the party. There was good food, fondue, drunk Sheri, drunk sheri followed by karaoke, karaoke, the haunted house type thing that Brett made in the basement, my kick ass costume, and seeing my sisters. OH EM EFF GEE, they are gorgeous! seriously, they're friggin supermodels! I mean, why didn't I get the supermodel tall skinny flawless features, eh???? But I swear, it must have been longer than nine months, because they could not have grown that much since February. It makes me really sad that it's been so long. and even sadder that last time i saw them they swarmed me and hugged me and last night they were just like "hey, what are you doing?" Lakota didn't even hug me when she left. That hurt.
So, on the side of Walking The Plank (yarr), there is also seeing my sisters, along with seeing my dad, crying because of my dad, my boots being too small, my softball in my tight pants crushing my pelvis, and getting pissed off at my fake eyelashes that wouldn't stay on. my costume was a hassle. But it rocked. I don't know if I can actually forgive my dad until he can forgive himself. And he seems to be jumping from one addiction to another and seems to focus very little on his family. But he does need to get better first, and when he does, maybe I'll have finally come to terms with what he used to be... if he changes. But I'm not going to get my hopes up.
And that concludes our party update.
PS we have so much liquor left. probably because the one who used to be our best friend for getting rid of the stuff is now preggers. Wiggity like woah! that's so wierd. and so awesome. little Beena and her little bambino. The fact that one of my closest adult friends is going to have a baby makes me feel so in love with life.