I like my Block days. Neither one of them is terribly stressful, and they both have very fun classes. I can't WAIT for ceramics tomorrow, we're gonna start working on the wheels,for which I dance with joy.
I'm going to start doing yoga because, according to my physical therapist, I'm not bendy enough even though I'm more flexible than most people at my school. Psh.
You're like my fish. Except moreso, because you're better and bendier. and your name is Laura, which also makes you better. I, on the other hand, am not very flexible at all. And yoga makes me feel good in the head. So I do it. Even though I spaced it tonight because I was... I don't know, it's amazing how you can waste time and not even realize where it has gone and how it got there.
I think I'll try to do Yoga this weekend. because I'll be busy seeing friends off for college and it will be good for me to have some down time and get all relaxed and such.
how many credits do you have to have at Catlin to graduate?
Math: Get past AlgII at least (i.e. pass AlgI, Geometry, and AlgII) Science: Biology, Physics, Chemistry English: Four years Language: Pass [insert language name here] third year at least Art: Two years History: Three years at least P.E.: No one knows, but you need at least two semesters of health I think...
that's cool. i don't think i could go there because of the heavy workload and the basic curriculum. i like to have time to be involved in drama and sleep and things like that. and i like having lots of electives. i think it's given me some way to look around and figure out what i'd like to do with my life. this is the least electives i've ever had, and i'm glad i picked what i did.
how many credits do you have to have at Catlin to graduate?
Math: Get past AlgII at least (i.e. pass AlgI, Geometry, and AlgII)
Science: Biology, Physics, Chemistry
English: Four years
Language: Pass [insert language name here] third year at least
Art: Two years
History: Three years at least
P.E.: No one knows, but you need at least two semesters of health I think...
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