Jan 06, 2013 22:57
So, I've had an LJ account for quite some time. I originally got it to access a community but was scared off after my first attempt at commenting. However, with the turning of the new year, I feel it is time to pull on my big girl panties, come out of lurkerdom and try again!
It would be poetic to say I have no idea how I got here, but sadly untrue. In fact, I suspect my tale is quite common. I followed a link I was sent, read a story, thought "well, that was fun. I wonder what else is out there?", followed some more links and the rest is history. Many of my favourite stories are Harry/Draco, which was a surprise at first but something I have learned to embrace. As an added bonus, it gives me a chance to get to know the Slytherin characters better, which was sadly lacking in the books. So far Pansy is my favourite, but there are some fantastic Theos out there.
In case you are wondering, I do not dance (and am not a star!). My username comes from one of my favourite Shakespeare characters and reminds me of my daughter, who I am quite sure is destined to be a star (though, please God, not a "celebrity"), if the singing, dancing and flouncing around the house are any indication. She, on the other hand, would much rather ride horses, thank you very much. As opposed to my son, whose main ambition appears to be becoming a big, giant robot. With a pet dragon. Which is a step up from his cousin, who once announced that when he grows up, he would like to be a sandwich.