Dec 07, 2011 15:58
So my mom borrows my brother's laptop for two days.
Seeing as she bought the damn thing, and she claims to have told him in advance, I see no problem with this.
The problem lies in my brother's inability to deal with the world outside of himself. He does not see beyond his own needs, and does not recognize that she's using his laptop to help buy the food we will be eating in February.
He only sees that he doesn't have his laptop and can't play his loud, shitty music while he plays XBOX. Oh, and he claims he needs it to do homework.
He asks me what I would do if mom borrowed my computer. I direct his attention to the other machine in the closet, saying "I'd just use that one." (The difference is about 11.5 GB of RAM and the switch from Ubuntu 11 to Debian 6. In other words, I can do everything I need to on that closet computer short of music/graphic/video editing, and I don't have any active projects on those fronts)
His desktop computer is running the Windows 8 beta. I ask him why he can't do his homework on that computer. "Because it sucks." I offer, not for the first time, to swap it for something NON-beta, and more suited to his needs. "No."
So he's masochistic.
The file he needs is on that laptop, and I suggest emailing mom (it'll come up on her cell phone) to tell her to send him the file. And the asshole mentions that he's uninstalled Libreoffice because, apparently, that sucks too. He is so completely self absorbed that he didn't listen to me telling him that the latest versions of microshit office are even shittier than libreoffice and that they are also beyond our means now that we've gotten him the laptop (I told mom to save the money we would have spent buying shitty software and go for the graphics card, so that he can play shiny games).
After this is done, I tell him to leave. Because he is clearly taking out his disappointment on me and I don't want to deal with that shit. He doesn't, so I bodily remove him from the room, and then he decides an appropriate response is to try and toss me down the stairs. Our 'as narrow as you can get the steps as per 1970s building code', tile at the bottom stairs. He fails, and goes into his room to scream at the poor unfortunates who are currently playing Call of Duty or whatever FPS he's playing (they're all clones of each other, honestly. It's disgusting.)
So, when he comes back from school tomorrow, the windows 8 beta will be gone. It will be replaced with a windows 7 skinned install of OpenSUSE and libreoffice, and he will have to deal with his desktop computer remaining useful (and nearing a decade in age.) He will also have to deal with my refusal to be his tech support, because this particular IT department does not work for the threat of being tossed down the stairs.
i hate my family,