Feb 07, 2008 20:48
Time for a general update. Lessee.
Sunday was my birthday, thanks to those of you who remembered, much <3. It was a rather stressful weekend, as my brother called on Tuesday, asked if they could finally come visit, and idiot me said yes. Cinna was thrilled. So we spent most of the weekend cleaning, yelling at each other and deciding we really are hiring a housekeeper now.
I did have a good time, and having my family here made me really happy. I keep bitching about them, but eh, they still make me feel like the little girl who just wants her brothers' approval. We went out for dinner to a pretty cool restaurant. Every table has its own barbecue integrated, there's an all-you-can-eat buffet with all sorts of marinated meats and seafood (steak, sesame turkey, lamb, pork filet, shrimp, salmon, sausages, etc.). You put it all on a skewer and grill it, until you burst. I loved it. The meat was excellent, it was very social eating, and everyone had a great time. Next month we'll head over for board games, and I am thrilled.
On the health front, my psoriasis reprieve was -very- temporary and only lasted two weeks. Just long enough for that haircut, eh. Now the cleared skin is getting plaquey again, so I am wearing a hat once more. Tomorrow I'll try to get an appointment for the therapy on Sylt for March. Furthermore I pulled my back and hurt it so I was unable to walk straight a couple days. I am 37 going on 80 now. :P
Work is work, no news about any new contracts, it just goes on, business as usual.
Can't think of anything else happening. Peace.