
Aug 07, 2006 11:34

So sleepy. Weekends are way too fucking short. Seriously. Also, it didn't help that I had dreams about oozes and attacking flowers all night. That's what I get for running trippy instances til bedtime.

Saturday, we went umbrella shopping, and Cinna got all gleeful because she got toe socks. She looks very Pippi Longstockings in them, but also very cute. The rest of the day we hung in front of our computers and knocked down elite quests in Jintha'Alor in the Hinterlands with Kveta and Tzyara. We had a real ZOMG moment when we saw our very first epic world drop: Kang the Decapitator. Jeebus, that thing looks awesome. Tzyara won the greed roll because none of us could use it, and our warrior is buying it off Tzyara. But seriously, seeing something purple calls for...ZOMG!

Sunday morning we set out for Dortmund. I must say that I was pretty pleased. By public transport, I need a little over 2 hours to make it to my mom's. By car it took a little over an hour. Of course, it was Sunday, so there was no traffic jam, but still. I drove around my childhood jaunts, showed Cinna one of my favorite views and stopped for a visit to my dad's grave. The visit to my mom went okay. She's still afraid to leave the house and said no to my various suggestions to drive somewhere. I found it very heartbreaking to see her new cat, after she just recently lost Jenny. I really loved that cat. My mom has a kitten now, maybe 8 weeks old. Very very cute and playful, and already very attached to my mom. But still, you shouldn't just replace cats as if they were items, it's wrong. *lesigh*

We left at about 4:30 pm and this meant we were a bit in a hurry. We got home at 5:45 pm and then had about 15 minutes to cook dinner, as we had a Maraudon run scheduled for 6 pm. Ugh. The plan was to do purple and orange Maraudon today to get the Scepter of Celebras, and finish off with a Princess run or two next week. The instance was crazy-trippy, and the fights in the orange part were pretty tough, because those stupid flowers were in groups of 3-5. I loved doing a lot of AoE stuff, that was fun. The Noxxion fight was the most awful one. We stupidly pulled him into the range of those pulsating spore things so on top of Noxxion splitting up into eight parts, we got a fuckload of poison blasts from the spores. We did so badly that he split up four or five times. Tzyara died, and so she didn't get the sceptre drop. Boo. I did get the Noxious Shooter, which is very cool.

We finished off with Celebras, four of us got their scepter, then we hearthed and went back to reset the instance to kill Noxxion one more time. This time we blazed through it. When he split the first time, we already had him at 20%, and he died right after we took care of his little spawns. No spore clouds helped immensely. Also, yay Elixir of Shadow Power and the copious amounts of Ghost Mushrooms to find there. We pushed forward nicely and then had the stupid wipe of the day, by jumping down a poison waterfall and a pet decided to bring a ton of mobs because he was too dumb to jump. Duh.

We rezzed, ran back and...duh, almost wiped again because of exactly the same thing, pet bringing adds. I hope we learned our lesson to always dismiss/sacrifice before jumping down anywhere. After we finished Celebras one more time, we jumped down into Inner Maraudon, which looked -so- pretty, squeed at the turtles and the hydras down there, and then headed out for the night. Looking forward to the rest of the instance next week.

Today I want to do some cleaning, I think. Though atm I am motivated, the moment I get home I will lose all that motivation. I know myself. Hmph.

Oh, lilac_colleen, my apologies about having been so distracted, but we wiped while you were on and all that. Once we were done, it was 1:30 am and I needed sleep. Once you're on next time, /join wowladies and get an invite that way. :)

family, wow, life

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