Mar 06, 2009 14:03
This isn't really important enough for CFO yet -- just sort of an explanatory whatsit for anyone who might be wondering if I completely vanished off the face of the earth. By my count that's... three people? MAYBE FOUR.
Lots going on, and it all kind of came on and ate my life fairly quickly, until I scratched my head one day and thought, "Hmm, I haven't seen so-and-so around lately..." And then I realized it was because I hadn't been around to see them. It's sort of a mix of good things and bad going on. I've got some health issues that have been becoming more and more of a bother, and I think -- I hope -- things will finally be resolved by the end of this month. Unfortunately, this resolution may or may not involve surgery on my hand. Aha. (I'm hoping it won't, obviously.) But there've been quite a few doctor visits lately. I've also been falling into bed by, like, ten lately, which is... quite unlike me.
NOW THE GOOD NEWS. An abstract I wrote and submitted back in January for a literary conference this summer got accepted holy crap. Now, of course, I have to write the paper and make travel plans (HI SIAN HI SIAN HI). At any rate, THIS WILL BE CONTRIBUTING TO MY SCARCITY. Because I am terrified of writing this paper and presenting it and asdfkj; and I'm pretty much going to be starting my research in earnest, uh... soon. MAYBE TOMORROW.
SO! I will be around... ish, but I will likely be flakier than usual and possibly thread-droppy and generally a spaz. The hand issue is a pain in the neck (uh... hand?), and paired with the OMGWTF of this conference paper, I foresee ditzytiems ahead. PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH ME AND POKE ME IF THERE'S A THREAD I DROPPED. I DON'T MIND.
I suspect things will settle down after ... whatever procedure they decide to do. Then I'll be focusing on the paper, rather than the paper and my gimpyhand, or maybe at this point I'm just making excuses for airheadedness. IDK.