Jun 16, 2009 16:32
I haven't get around to update my post con rant yet. I doubt that I ever will at this point. ANext was fun if minus all the drama.
I'm sorry If I annoyed anyone or upset anyone. I truely am sorry. And I mean it.
First of all. That person who I loved and gave so much. I just realized how painful it is to see that person again. After all those happened at the weekend. I could say.....you would be no longer in my life. Only when it comes to the time I need to be remind how stupid I was to not see what kind of person you are. I had cried because of you enough. And I had been hurt enough by you. And Saw you in front of me. I'd be no longer hurt by your doings.
Second, I'd say this as a friend. And As Someone who had been in worse situations before.
I know I had said those words to you. And I mean it. If you want to change it have to start at you. And if you still hurt youself and calling youself something like that. No one would be able to help you.
And Seriuosly, you are not the only one with problems in life. There are so many people who had been in worse situations than yours. Somes moved on, somes not. So you will moved on and change or not like I said it entirely up to you.
And This, doesn't mean you have to go all out and anouced your problem with everyone you met. Apologies, yes. But anouced your problems and blamed it on others wasn't the good things to do. If you victimized yourself to the world it meaned...you want symphathy which i believed you said that you don't want it.
We friends, only could do so much.........No one Can truely help you except you start helping yourself first.
Third, Hi everyone that add me recently. XD My lj full of shitloads of rants. Deal with it people <33
Ps. I miss you guys already. XD Dammittt