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hells yeah the ep is nearly done just got the intro to make (5 min on piano lol booooooooring)
well i hope you enjoy it weather its a cd or a temporary ash tray or beer mat (so long as it is apreciated)
not only that but my birthday is soon, 3rd of july me and caroline are having a joined party on north bay (gatecrash it and in the words of leo "i will end you") then on the 9th (the big day) its a pub crawl. should be righteous.
ive also decided to be the bigger man and not bother replying to any more hatemail i am sent as then maybe it might stop (they will get bored). so yeah go for it if you must but dont expect a reply.
heh my life is actualy starting to get really interesting now im turning 18 and releasing an ep and single.