There's the potential of me bombarding you all with posts today. I still have Outcasts to watch and White Collar to post about, but I feel it's best to post about Friday Night Lights while my thoughts are still fresh.
Clear Eyes. Full Hearts.....We'll deal with that later. )
Tyra and Tim's history helped me feel a little bit better about their, um, reconnecting, but his sudden desire to want ro make a life with her? And her even considering it? Just, no. I also thought it did a disservice to her relationship with Landry. She was still in love with Tim when she was with him? If he hadn't killed a guy to protect her they would never have been together? I need to stop thinking about this...
I actually thought they were going to skip over whether or not they won the game until I noticed they were moving in on a shot of Vince's hand. Then I saw the ring. :) I have to admit I would have been frustrated not knowing. My stomach was in knots when that pass was in the air!
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