Dec 14, 2009 22:28
We have found the streaming vids and already started flagging them. We would like to extend this flagging event to the whole community.
We also noticed that episode 7 was streamed on the same day as our released day, and we know for sure the culprit is within the community *waves at the traitor*. Unfortunately, until the traitor shows him/herself, we might need to slow down the releases for the rest of the episodes. We apologized for the inconvenience caused, but we believe that for the time being, our main priority is to take down the streamed vids and ensure that the same case wont happen again for ep8, 9 and 10 releases.
[Edit] As of 17 December 2009, only the videos on remains streamed. We're still figuring out how to deal with this &*%$^*^* site (pardon the symbols) but we would like to thank each and everyone of you for our collective efforts in combating streamed My Girl videos. We have taken down 3 streaming sites, and that's a huge achievement for all of us! Thank you very much *bows* [/edit]