Jan 19, 2013 23:45
I haven't used LJ in FOREVER. Mostly because I pretty much live on FB. xD
Anyway, thinking about starting over with this thing...possibly deleting a ton of the communities I'm in (or rather, removing myself from them) so keep things a bit more manageable.
And I suppose I could double-post, but I think I remember that being sort of a dick-ish thing to do here. xD
Hopefully this will help me figure out if I've got a pattern going with my interests, as they seem to shift every week or two from spiritual stuff, to wanting to cook, to furry stuff, to ponies, etc.
Current Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous, slightly-tipped-bowl-shaped, slightly more than 1/2 full
Current Interest(s): Mixed Christian/Pagan stuff, 45%:55% ratio (more pagan-ish), organizing stuff, collecting stuff
Mood: Great! (Probably because I had the day off, and got to spend it with friends @ their church and other friends at the dog park)