Oct 04, 2005 21:39
Saturday: So, saturday afternoon I was sitting with Julie, doing the regular nrsg school hw; at this point I was still contimplating going to the Soo to see Chelle for her 21st birthday. I then get a phone call 20 minutes after Michigan won the game of the year(GO BLUE AND MAZE!!!!!), it was Mike and he was contacting me to let me know that his brother had got in a car accident, that he had a head injury(no status given), and that he was being air-lifted to Spectrum-Butterworth hospital as a priority one. So, instead of doing my million things on the "to do list" I drove out to Detroit and Mike and I drove out 3 hours to Grand Rapids. What an awful 3 hours. We finally got to the hospital and were told that he had over 20 stitches, a busted head, ear, patch on his arm and forehead. I sat in the waiting room another 2 hours and then saw a shorter image of Mike walking out of the ER... in paper scrubs, blue little booties, a head wrapped in kerlix and to add to that... holding a big puffy teddy bear. I was so relieved to see that kid(22). I guess he got hit in his new truck going 55 an hour.. and then flipped 6 times. Its on tap.. I am egar to see it since the truck looks like a popcan and can only be identified by its color.
Sunday: Homework Homework Homework, then took my kid cousins to the cider mill and had a fit when my little cousin put his shoes full of dirt dust on my brand new black seats of my car. GERRRRRRRRRRR.
Monday: Mike and I got chinese food, it sucked, I am pretty sure its because he didnt get it from the place on livernois and the place in Ferndale.
Tuesday: Clinicals were hell, Well, not hell, just hellriffically frightening. Then on my way home from clinicals, I decide that I should stop and see if the eye doctor has any openings since I have a free afternoon. I have not been there since I was 8, with perfect vision. First the chick puffed air in my eyes... I didn't like that .. then she put bitch of all eyedrops in to "dilate" me. The doc was nice... he told me that I still had 20/20 but that I strain my eyes too much and have a stigmatism. GREAAAT, so then the lovely lady that was too cheerful for me helped me pick out my new reading/note taking/ computer glasses. The only ones I kinda liked were the $250 Kenneth Cole ones... OF COURSE!!!!!!! so then I take my grandma-ma to the place to pick them up with me after 2 hours.. and she says "oh, they are plastic?... they need to fit your face better".... then she points to the poor guy that just handed the glasses to me and says "fit them better"... so he takes my new pair of glasses and put them in this hot sand thing... and bent my little expensive opticals. grrrrrr. I gave both the guy and my grnadma-ma the look from hell.
I am tired.. and have a careplan to START @ 10:09 tonight.. YUCK