David Archuleta 1 (And So It Goes - Billy Joel) - It was gorgeous, but I don’t think he really understood what it was about, to be brutally honest. Like, he’s 17. He hasn’t experienced heartbreak. Technically it was great, but Simon was right when he said it was predictable. It was. I kind of agree with Simon’s comment completely. Because, for a song that’s that great and with a singer that’s that good, there has to be something else. Something real and honest about it. And I don’t thing Archie had it. Just the fact that I feel alright calling David A ‘Archie’ says something. I mean, I don’t call David Cook ‘Cookie’ because he’s a grown, mature man and that just seems wrong to me. But I have no trouble calling Archie ‘Archie’ because it fits. Because he’s 17. Because he’s still a kid. And I think that if he’d waited a few years - or even one - he would have decimated, even though the whole ‘really young guy who can sing’ angle would be lost (and if David C wasn’t in the competition xD). Beautiful song though. Absolutely wonderful; my love of Billy Joel has been proven more true than I thought it was before.
ETA: Listened to the Billy Joel version. And compared to that, Archie’s was crap. And TANGENT: Did you know that Billy Joel has a youtube account? Like, really? That’s awesome to the max.
Syesha Mercado 1 (If I Ain’t Got You - Alicia Keys) - First off, can I just say how horrible it is that the mayor didn’t even give Syesha the news, that it was just from a text? SO CHEAP. Also, she looks kind of like a mermaid. A really, really sparkly mermaid, but a mermaid none-the-less.
Wow. She’s really, really good right now. For serious, this is the kind of music she should have been singing the entire time. Like, that was great. If I wasn’t comfortable splitting my vote, she would totally get a few tonight. Strange Texan drawl was strange.
David Cook 1 (The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face - Roberta Flack) - SAME THING WITH DAVID - THE TEXT MESSAGE THING. Why is Archie getting the special treatment from a man with a crazy mustache?
… Amazing. For serious. Like, he didn’t really change it that much, but it’s so great and it just works and I have no idea how it works because it honestly shouldn’t, it just does. So, bravo. Bravo.
And now he’s all ‘It’s alright, it’s alright’ and MY GOD I love him right now and I can’t even keep it in anymore because he is so great and I just want to die. *flail*
David A. 2 (With You - Chris Brown) - I’m a bit iffy about the song choice before even hearing it. This is potentially bad. AND HE IS WEARING PLAID PANTS. I hate that trend. Seriously, kill it with fire.
First off, it’s a crap song. And he’s all ‘I’m getting more current!’ and then he changes it to sound almost exactly like his other songs. What’s up with that? Also, the ‘sexy’ looks he’s throwing at the audience make me feel like a pedophile even though I’m 14 and therefore three years younger than him and I don’t like him. THIS IS BAD. And the song was horrid. Absolutely horrid; I would have expected it from the auditions or the Hollywood weeks or something, not the semi-finals.
Syesha M. 2 (Fever - Peggy Lee) - Hey, she’s showing personality! That’s awesome! I feel like she’s a really sweet girl and I want to like her, but when she chooses such obvious songs, it’s really hard. She’s trying too hard to be sexy. I think it’s like Archie; they’re just not people with raw sex appeal (*cough*David*cough*) so they shouldn’t really try. I don’t know. Something like that.
But it was very well sung; it was a dumb song choice though. And she’s really cute when she smiles. It’s like a cherub; you just want to squish and hug her.
David 2 (Dare You to Move - Switchfoot) - I totally agree with Idolatry that it would be amazing if he sand Hoobastank’s The Reason, if only because I want to hear people say ‘Hoobastank’ multiple times in quick succession. Would be awesome.
HAI DAVID WEARING A GORGEOUS BLACK SHIRT. And Ryan being a goofball. SO CUTE. ‘Being a bartender’ HEE. So awesome. AND THE PIRATE JOKE.
First part - Not much changed. It was good, but not really original.
Second/Last part - AMAZINGLY AMAZING.
Overall - Yeah. A tiny bit pitchy. But I still loved it. Because I’m weird like that? PLEASE DO BETTER ON THE OTHER ONE, PLEASE AND I WILL LOVE YOU EVEN MORE THAN I DO NOW.
Archie 3 (something something something - someone, don’t care enough to make note of it) - Wow. Archie looks like an idiot in that shirt. And that was so. damn. similar. to everything he does. Seriously. MORE RANGE PLZ. And that’s the second time Randy’s used the phonebook thing.
Syesha 3 (something from ‘Happy Feet’) - HAPPY FEET!!!!!!! ‘That’s my dad!’ xDD What’s up with the sparkles Sy-Sy? They look good on you, but seriously. Variation!
That was … interesting. Not particularly good, but ok I guess.
I love that the judges are talking more about the movie than the song. So strange. CONSPIRACY THEORIES ABOUND!
David 3 (I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing - Aerosmith) - Random happy people in the background are randomly happy!
So. Damn. Good. *FLAIL* Glory note at the end = fail. But still.
Cookie definitely won the night. For serious.
*dies from the awesome*