Today is awesome because my brother just tried to use his suspension as a way to prove he's more responsible than me. He was all 'I emptied the dishwasher while I was on my three day suspension without being asked' and I was all 'AND THAT MEANS YOU'RE TOTALLY MORE RESPONSIBLE THAN I AM YOU JERKWAD.' MY BROTHER'S MAD PROVING-A-POINT SKILLZ, LET ME SHOW YOU THEM.
Ha. My brother's an idiot.
Anyway, I should have been writing my Asia paper all day but I totally FAILED to. Buffy ftw!
Also, have the poem Kay and I wrote yesterday. Yes, it was mostly Kay, but I need to say it was me too so I can use it for English.
"It Just Doesn't Work"
The word orange does not rhyme
It makes me rather want to pine
For what happens when I end a line with orange?
And that's where we shrug when we're reciting it, but it's hard to get that across on paper. xD