Today is awesome for many reasons.
Here they are in list form because I have Top Gear in three minutes. Also, I am lazy and LJ was being an ass and deleted my nice post.
- "Grow a pair, take it like a woodsman!"
- Motion City Sountrack. It's always fun to discover new music you just love.
- Delicious supper. SALAD!!
- Finished my Asia homework.
- I believe I may be coming to accept my eye twitch. I may even name it.
- Bubbles the Nerdfighting Puppy. Also, jammie pants.
And last, but certainly not least, the kick off of Doctor/Rose week! YAY!
My first themed DDDW (Daily Dose of DW) is a doosy. My love for Doctor/Rose knows no bounds - they are my OTP you know. Billie and David or Billie and Chris have such great chemistry it's amazing. It doesn't hurt that they're incredibly good looking too. *g*
I chose this picture to start things off because it's from The Impossible Planet, possibly one of the best episodes of Series 2, along with its second half The Satan Pit. They're insanely, insanely shippy (he believes in her! *squish*) and always manage to evoke some emotional response from me.
The Oncoming Storm and the Valiant Child, the Stuff of Legend™. Let's please forget the whole 'die in distant battle' thing, shall we?
PS. The subject lyrics (from Resolution by Motion City Soundtrack) are very, very appropriate, don't you think? *g*