Here flist, have a dancing cyberman.
(This is potentially only funny to you if you watch Doctor Who, but still. He's dancing! He's so cute! *squishes cheeks*)
So I was looking at some awesome Doctor/Rose picspams and I realized.
They're actually going to see each other again. After the horrible, wrenching scene on the beach, they're actually going to be together again. I wonder how INCREDIBLE their hug will be. Better than the on at the end of TSP? Better than the one at the end of TIL? Than the one at the end of FH? I feel like it will be. Because no matter how insanely adorable they were in all of those hugs, this one will probably be better. He might even say he loves her. God I would love that.
I wonder how Donna will react to Rose. I bet she'll love her. I mean, I hope she will. Donna's going to be the first companion in all of New Who that doesn't fall in love with him, right? Right? Because I think I might be in love with her, and I don't want to have to hate her because she loves the Doctor. Just look at Martha! I loved her in Torchwood, but in DW? Psh, yeah right. The whole fawning over the Doctor gets old. Especially when he wants his Rose!
I hope they'll be cool with Rose. I don't want drama, I just want my adorable OTP back. Like in FH! They're adorable in that!
I also hope that Jack will be back. I've decided I might like DW!Jack more than TW!Jack, though I do love the latter dearly. A Jack/Rose/Doctor reunion would be excellent, to be completely honest. And I really love the Jack/Rose dynamic and I'm kind of curious to see what the Jack/Rose/Doctor dynamic would be with Ten instead of Nine.
Seriously. How adorkable can you get?
Problem? Werewolf. Solution? Huggles.
Hair floosh!
Helmet kiss!
*huggles OTP*
This is a short-ish picspam because I'm doing the HTML by myself and I'm scared I'm screwing it up. And I have homework. But shh!