I am so pissed off right now.
I was watching this program on Intelligent Design (ID) vs. Darwin's Theory of Evolution (E) on PBS. I'm a supporter of the Evolution Theory and before tonight I really didn't care about ID because I honestly thought that whoever the hell believed in that was insane.
ID is just Creationism with a different name. In the early drafts of Of Pandas and People, a prominent ID science textbook, there is difinative proof for this. The definition of ID is exactly the same as the definition of creationism was in the prior draft. Somewhere in the book the change from 'creationism' to 'cdefinite propensityism.' Yeah. I kid you not.
There's also a propisition/plan by ID supporters made about five, ten years ago. It's called the Wedge Plan. A great part of this plan is to make everyone in the fucking world believe in one fucking religion. I am not religious. I believe religion is stupid. But I let religious people do their damn thing. I will not live in a world where I am forced to be religious. I just won't.
Another supporter of ID was ranting on about how E was taking away the inherent grace and majesty of the human race created because 'God' made use in his image. What I want to know is what fucking grace and majesty he's talking about. There is no grace and majesty in the human race. We're crude, idiotic, violent, and totally mindless. There is nothing majestic about a species 'lucky' enough to 'take over the world' and completely ruin it. IT WAS ALL LUCK dammit. There is no reason humans have 'triumphed.' It was just luck.
One random ID dude was talking about how all they wanted to do was 'have the teachers tell the students this theory exists.' WHO THE HELL DOESN'T KNOW THERE'S AN ALTERNATE THEORY TO EVOLUTION, HUH? That's what I want to know. He also said something like ID could lead to a 'wonderful new world' of scientific discovery. Based on the Wedge Plan, I really don't want to live in that world. I don't want to be a part of that world with everyone believing in the same fucking thing. It's not what I think is right.
And then the assholes decided to lie under oath. WHAT KIND OF FUCKING IDIOTS ARE THEY?
Further information can be found by going
here. All the information in this highly opinionated piece above were gathered from the Nova program Judgement Day: Intelligently Designed. The views expressed above are mine and mine alone and I didn't mean to offend.