islands in the stream ... for sale

Apr 21, 2009 21:56

"People in NH get testy if you say that you're from there when you're not from there. They get even more testy than they already are, which is pretty darned testy."
"Well, they live very free."
"OR they die. One or the other. Those are the two hobbies, I'm told."
- NPR: 3-28-09: Peter and random caller

"If you're not sparkling, than what the fuck are you doing?"
- IDEK, but they are FABULOUS to the EXTREME.

YEAH. That's about it. Apparently the guy of whom I am quite fond is a stoner. Or, at least, he was dead this morning, and when I asked him why, he scrawled the number '420' on my book, which apparently means that he's a stoner. I'm not sure HOW, exactly, but still.

So yeah. Eff my life.

girly stuff, hour: 10 pm, rl: school, gif spam, quote, love in a bucket kthxbai, this is npr: national. public. radio.

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