Random association meme.
Ask me to associate you with five things. When I do this, post this meme and an explanation of your interest in those five things in your journal.
I was associated by
1. Doctor Who
LOVE. I've lost some of my INSANE ENTHUSIASM for this show, but I still love it lots and lots and lots. It's what got me such FANTASTIC friends as Jenny and Brigi (and more, and I love you all lots! ♥) and it made Caroline and I connect on a whole new level (xD). Doctor/Rose was my first big ship, and although I've moved on since then, I still adore them.
2. The Big Bang Theory
SUCH A NERDY SHOW, OH MY GOD. Sheldon Cooper is one of my all-time favourite characters EVER in the HISTORY OF AWESOME CHARACTERS. Because of TBBT, I now have an alternative to Rock-Paper-Scissors! ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS-LIZARD-SPOCK [
Basically, it's all about the Sheldon. I almost dressed up like him for TV Character day, but then failed.
3. Iron Man
OMG, IRON MAN. It's the first superhero-type movie I've ever seen (and, as of right now, it's the last), and I LOVED IT SO HARD IT WAS CRAZY. I don't even understand why, really, because it's just RDJ being hot and flying around and saving people but DAMN did I love it. I actually downloaded it on Sammy thinking I would rewatch it OVER and OVER and OVER. I didn't, but still. ♥
4. Top Gear
Haven't watched TG in a while (it's on MONDAYS. WITH ALL OF MY OTHER SHOWS.), but I still love it. Hammond/Oliver is totally one of my crack otps (Oliver's a car, fyi). It's nice to know that I can resume watching at any time, because there's not really PLOT or anything, and also that I can watch on demand whenever. Also, I don't like cars, but I love TG. INTERESTING, EH?
5. Lord of the Rings
SO YEAH. LOTR IS TOTALLY THE MOST FABULOUS THING EVER TO EXIST. EVER. IN THE HISTORY OF EVER. I love Pippin so much it's crazy, and I totally ship Merry/Pippin like NO ONE'S BUSINESS. Also Legolas/Gimli, but that might just be in that whole 'WE ARE AWESOME FRIENDS LIKE WOAH' kind of way. And Faramir and Boromir are the best brothers (excepting Sam and Dean); srsly, in the third movie, the flashback? I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. And Faramir is ALWAYS showing his quality, and Denethor NEVER NOTICES because Boromir was so larger-than-life and such a fantastic leader and fighter, and OH, it makes my heart ACHE. And Sam's speech in the third film (? totally blanking on when it shows up)? About the sun shining out all the brighter? SO AMAZING. [
Also, the score is SO PRETTY it almost hurts. Rohan has the best theme, but ALL of the music is so amazing. And Pippin's song is SO BEAUTIFUL. God, I love it. I included it in my poetry anthology (with proper credit and all that) because I just think it's so beautiful. [
x - shit video quality, but sound is good enough]
Also, the cast of the films are the COOLIEST cast EVER. ♥