just a little bit caught in the middle

Oct 03, 2008 05:57

When a panel of uncommitted voters gathered by Fox News Channel and pollster Frank Luntz were asked for a show of hands on who won the debate, almost everyone picked Palin. source

Um, no. Failure. She did not win. I have a page of notes to prove it.

So let's make this a kind of game. I post one thing I think she did badly, and, if you agree with me, you comment with another thing she did badly. If you don't, I suppose you could comment with something she did well? (More on that later ...)

Here goes: When Sarah Palin was asked about Achilles heel, she started blabbering on about what she did in Alaska. Which is great and all, but it's not actually a response to the question, a fact made glaringly obvious by Joe Biden's response which was the political equivalent of 'I care too much' (by the way, I totally bet that SOMEONE would use that as their weakness, and I was SO RIGHT!).

PS. People on my flist who don't particularly like my political posts! Here's the dealio: If you don't agree with my politics (or just don't want to see them on your flist), that's totally fine. You think your way, and I'll think mine. Whatever. But, in order to be nice and all that, I'm willing to set up a political filter so any of you who don't want to see my purely political posts (and I would limit almost all political discussion to its own post so you wouldn't miss anything else) don't have to. If you're interested in being on this filter, just drop me a comment or send me a PM or something. I'm not going to judge you or anything.


hour: 6 am, meme, politics make my brain hurt

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