Guys, I think I might be becoming a Dean-girl. Jury's still out on whether or not this is a bad thing, as it's not taking away from my Sam-love or anything. I mean, my computer's still named Sammy, so there's really no threat there.
Maybe my iPod could be Dean. It does act like a dick some of the time ...
I think I'm becoming an Apple fangirl. Seriously, I'm in love with the new iPod nano (in green, because the green one is absolutely fabulous), and I really, really want one.
Youtube's being a bitch right now. It will play the first two seconds of every video (with no sound) and then stop. It'll keep loading, it just won't play. I've only realized today how much I actually watch youtube videos.
Today's been pretty damn amazing. I didn't do any of the things listed
here (I am only 2 episodes away from finishing SPN s2 though, so that's kind of one). But I did wake up at twelve, and I was grocery shopping with my mum until one thirty, so that kind of whittles away at the time I could spend doing everything I wanted to do.
Well, actually, I lied. I have continued to read
Alex Day's diary, and I'm currently downloading the Cartel album I wanted to. So this day has kind of been a success, I guess.
I also saw a gargantuan squash at the supermarket today.
It deserves its own unique tag, that's how exciting it was. I have a picture of it on my phone. Maybe I'll upload it tomorrow.
That'll be pretty exciting.
ETA. There seem to be some kind of shenanigans going down in that Windows Media Player has decided to be my default player for mp3s or whatever (actually, the stuff I dl'ed seems to be in wma format, but I think it's supposed to be mp3) and WMA won't let me play the stuff because it doesn't have licensing or something like that. Basically, I can't download songs anymore. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck.
I think I want to kill something.
ETA2: I lied. I just can't listen to anything that's not an mp3.
That still sucks though.