I know I've been directing sections of my posts to certain groups of friends lately, and I am sorry about that. One last time for old times (times'? thoughts in the comments) sake?
Kimberely I has a question. Please don't hurt me. So you know in Journey's End when they are all hugging each other? I would be your eternal slave if you could make me a Martha/Rose!happyhugging icon. Please Pretty Please?!?!?!?!
They is good! Thankies very much. Yeah for some reason, I really really ship Martha/Rose lately and I was very upset that they did not get to talk to each other in Journey's End.
You're very welcome! There was a great moment when Rose was all 'She's good', though. letsey_x has a good Martha/Rose icon (of that moment) over here if you wanted another one.
[/disjointed comment]
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