Okay important Caplan related entry--copy/pasted from what I said on the BB's haha
We're putting Matt's CD up on Attitude's site for $14. When Matt sells his CD through CDbaby, they take out about $4 a cd. Through us,the boy will be making $13 a cd. It totally adds up, and it'll help get his CD and single out sooner.
So, even if you have Overtones...if you have $14, I ask that you buy another copy if you can. Even if he sells 10 cds, thats $130 which is definitely going to help him with the cost and get us new CD's sooner!
Also, all Street Team Leaders MUST have Overtones haha. Plus, Matt wants to phase it out in a year, and I know so many people either lost their copy of the Demo or became fans too late, and you don't want to miss out on having Overtones, so stock up!
Alright guys, Overtones is officially up on the Attitude site! Go to
http://shopping.attitudemc.com Remember, it's completely helping Matt's career, and helping you guys have a new cd asap!