[backdated to 01.01.08] je sais que tu n'aimes pas ta réalité

Jan 01, 2008 19:18

It was that time of the year again. Except this time around was different. Not only because she was spending it indoors NOT drinking and kissing random people or because she was spending it alone, but because she rather preferred it that way. Year 2008. Is this finally the year Lisa Turpin matures into an old, boring maid, entering a pseudo-midlife crisis at the ripe age of twenty-seven?

Oh, Heaven forbid.

Lisa was settled in front of the television, tuning to a channel that was broadcasting the American New Year's celebration in New York. There were a lot of couples kissing on there, including a couple that strangely resembled Jake Gyllenhaal and Ashley Olsen. She had a pen and paper in front of her, and on the paper was a list, a list she will most likely throw away or lose somewhere in the depths of her bedroom. Lisa made this list every year and out of ten-twenty things she jots down, she'd be lucky if she even got to cross one item off of it.

Yes. It's correct to assume that it's her New Year's Resolution.

Her excuse for writing this sorry list was because 1) Mike and/or Terry weren't around to amuse her (read: to keep her from writing such a thing), 2) she's gone through all the games that they own for the PlayStation 2 (which just added to another thing she had to write down on her sodding list: get new games or get a new console-- wii!), 3) she was becoming a true conformist of the New Year's spirit (which in itself is being a non-conformist for she is in fact, indoors). Ho, Ho, Ho. Here's to another to-do list we don't need in this world (says the person who wrote one).

She folded the paper into a plane, sending it across the flat and just barely into the threshold of her bedroom. The paper laid there on the floor, slowly unfolding itself to reveal what our dear Lisa Turpin aspires to.

☆ Will lose 5lbs. [note to self: maintain weight until November then exercise like crazy to lose weight by December 31st = mission accomplished]
★ Get taller by three inches. [shop for killer heels that are 3"+ = jimmy choo, manolo blahniks, etc.]
☆ Move out of Mike's flat. [token placement in list]
★ Get new PS2 games and/or Wii!! [a MUST! and may allow even an xbox just to play Halo]
☆ Throw at least 12 parties. [My birthday, Mike's birthday, Terry's birthday, chick from dept of whatever's bday... Christmas, St. Paddy's, Valent- Black Day... = meet more people so I can throw parties]
★ Do the dishes every other week as per living conditions. [yet another token placement in list]
☆ Bring back the indie/rocker-chic. [NOT as the emo-style the 13 year olds of the world made it become]
★ Take care of the cat. [Kitten!Jack (Mike) =/= Real!Mike; do not resort to animal abuse]
☆ Ask for a raise and mucho PTO at work. [translating and smiling all the time = hard work that needs to be compensated for]
★ Eat organic. [leads back to item #1 and item #...the one before this one = more money, can buy organic, can maintain healthy diet... and an addendum; must shape butt]
☆ Buy more house-needy things. [towels(!!!), groceries, possibly a new table... the list will expand = token #3]
★ Complete list. [look at that, I get to cross this off already]
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