Oct 06, 2004 20:00
So i've been sick for a few days and managing just fine all the same. I mean i am getting what i gotta get done done i just dont feel great while doing it. I also have a hard time being patient when i dont feel good so i have been very concious of trying to be patient with people. LIke you know when you just wanna go home and go the fuck to sleep but you have to deal with a million people and things first and you usually love dealing with those things but it becomes hard when you just dont' feel so hot to trot. well thats been my last couple days.
I am gearing up to start major rehersals, we have a had a few but big ones start soon, i am coming home for thanksgiving YAY! LA here I come.
friday the diet coke diet starts, 2 a day for the first week, 1 a day for the week after that then its over. My 18 years diet coke love afair is over. if anyone understands my crazy addiction they will understand that this is a harder habit to kick then some narcotics. My Voice teacher Karen is on the stop being adicted to diet Coke plan as well. So this stepping down process is actually not my plan but it seems like a great one.
Anyways tons of work to do :
Homework list for tonight-
1.) craft actvity- get stuff for activity
2.) do lots of speech work - meet brian
3.) memorize part of titania speech for karen's class
4.) memorize part of my toad speech for 47 samurai... yay.... hippo time.
5.) write in my movement journal.
let see how much i can get done... maybe i will post again later to check things off this list...