Apr 13, 2005 23:52
Well whats up, nothing much has been going on me and Betty are chilling again, I have been going to school I am doing good, I am so close to being done.. Phillip and Betty are still together and Brian and I are still not talking, it's only been 2 days but still hehe. I meant a friend of Phillip's the other day his name is Levi, and on Sunday Phillip, Levi, Betty and I were all going out to the mud hole and we had to go by Brian's job first and Levi got out and was standing by the truck next to me and Brian tried to fight him... Opps well now that Brian and I aren't on talking terms I went out to Venus with Phillip and Betty tonight which usually I would be with Brian, but I went to Venus and Levi was out there and we all chilled, and he wants to try to hook up with me, he had Betty give me his 2 way number(nextel) and told me to call him.. Phillip, Levi, Betty and I are all suppose to be going to Chili's Friday night and then a party and I don't know what to do.. Cause I think it's going to be a few more days and Brian is going to be calling me but now I have Levi thinking maybe he can be with me cause I said we could all go to Chili's Friday. Chili's is a nice place to eat dinner, so I don't know.. When Brian finds out he will be very mad, but he can get over it, after what he said to me Monday he can kiss my ass.. Yeah right once he says sorry I will be ok but still Levi is very nice and closer to my age then Brian, and I just don't know, Brian might not even call we will see. But for now I am going to chill with Levi and see how he acts and all that. The only bad thing is Levi and Brandi are pretty good friends, but not once she finds out that he is trying to hook up with me but he said he didn't care.. He said that Brandi and Jen do act like they are dating and Brandi is a lier and lies to me cause the whole time her and I were split up she was with jen and drinking, he said he was around a few nights when she would throw me up in Jen's face and then call me.. Fuck her I am done with her.... Anyways other then that nothing has happened since Monday, Jonathan called me last night but I didn't answer I was half asleep... I haven't been feeling that well lately, and Jessica girl I need to talk to you for real, like important shit, but I can't say online were other people can read or our moms see. I hate to say it on the phone but what am I gonna do walk around the block to your home??? hehe anyways I asked Amanda about those pictures and she told me that they didn't get them yet all they had were the ones of them and me, they haven't seen the ones of me and dad, me and you, or me and julia and abby.. So I don't know the story behind that all I know is I want to see them and who know's when I will.. They are all sooo busy ya know??? Call me sometime Jess or I will call you cause I do have something to tell you.... I love ya's and I love you Nicole, Love Paris/Ash