(no subject)

Apr 18, 2005 15:45

omg ya'll I totally have a problem!11!!
Like you know when you take a picture and they tell you to say "cheese"? Well, if I say "I swear Im not a liar" instead, when the picture comes out, look what happens!!

that is lyke so not good! I dont know why pictures come out like that if I say that?!! cause im totally origional, and completly truthful, cause im a nice christian girl from a nice christian family with good moral values! I don't even lipsynch either. I mean how not punk rock of that picture!

oh and im totally a spokesperson for Heintz ketchup now cause im so "all that" at the moment and everyone wants me to indorse their products. Must be for my mad skillz and talents. Hmm, in your face Jessica!

Here's one of the new photos from the heintz ad's! They now make acid reflux free ketchup! Punk!!!11

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